Friday, August 27, 2010

Collge Life

27th july, 8.15am. The first step I step on Taylor’s University College. I feel empty and a little bit no direction. After the orientation week, and we go to ice breaking part. And also I meet some friends. Afterwards, I come to class, I meet many friends. Before this, I thought everyone was very cool, but they all different like my imagination. They very kind, they very talk active, they very friendly. I come this school alone, with no friends accompany, so I wish to get many friend from here. I want to be friendly with everyone. Because, I like water, difficult to subtle. I’m a mysterious person, hard to catch my thinking. But here, I meet many best friends. Because some point, we match together.

I meet 2 JB girls, they are very happy, sometime they homesick, sometime they moody, but they are nice girl.They very smart in many ways. So many thing I need them to teach me.
I meet a Sabah girl, she is pretty, but she always didn’t agree I say she pretty. She quite shy, but also can be friendly and talk active.

i meet a China Inner Mongolia girl. I go there before, I love there. So sometime we got many same topic to talk. I know she homesick. So what I can do is let her know more about Malaysia.

I meet a KL girl, she like shopping, sometime she crazy many thing. A same things of us is- we like shopping.

I meet a girl come from segamat, she shape herself as mysterious. But she friendly and kindly also.

Sometime we got argument.

Sometime we got different idea,

Sometime we talk and think different channel.

Sometime we down together.

Sometime we feel happy and laugh together.

Sometime we hang out together.

Sometime we do assignment together.

Sometime we tired together.

Sometime we moody together.

But we happy because have each other together.

this is our happy time when we doing assignment, we collect information together and share to each other.

After assignment, we very tired. but this is a new experience for all of us.

Otherwise, college totally different with secondary school.

Secondary school, very hot temp.

College, always cold.

Secondary school, need to do duty.

College, no need to do duty.

Secondary school, 20 minute to break.

College, more than 1 hour break.

Secondary school, wear school uniform.

College, wear whatever you want to wear.

During the break time, I like to stay at dessert bar and library. I always like to sit at there, analysis and observe everyone.

I observe what they are thinking,

I observe what they are doing,

I observe what they wearing,

I observe what they saying.

I observe many many thing.

Other than that, I like to stay at library, there let me feel peace, let me feel want to study.

I like to drink this hot chocolate, behind the hot chocolate is the dried beef from inner Mongolia. That’s Vicki bring from her hometown to here. This dried beef make me and my mother very happy. We like it so much.

College for me, is a new life, is a new changing, is a new place.
I'll enjoy my college life. I like here, I wanna meet more friend. I wanna learn more new thing.
This is, My new College Life!~


  1. yeah yeah here i come!! let's study together till diploma ends ba~~~^_^ nice post btw! <3

  2. 闪闪心小姐. Ms. Shining heart
    Interesting name
    *Thumbs up*

  3. i love the 1st photo.. the wind.. haha.. nice^^ beside that, thx.. and i also KL girl.. ^^
