Saturday, September 4, 2010


Well>> I’m MALAYSIAN. I love Malaysia. I born here, live here, study here.

Malaysia is very special, we cut across lines, crossover of three race.
We celebrate 3 types of New Year.
We eat three style of food.
We be friend with 3 race.

Such as

Chinese celebrate Chinese New Year.
Malay celebrate Hari Raya,
Indian celebrates Deepavali.

But if u wants, u can celebrate all. For me, I celebrate all. I like the surrounding feeling of all the New Year.

As the picture: we celebrates Chinese new year (2010) together with all malays friends. We wear all red and wish to get the best from gods. They say it’s really very funny, they very Curious about Chinese culture.

As the picture, we celebrate Hari Raya together with Malay’s friend. They gathering and call all the relative and have fun eat together.

As the picture: we celebrate Deepavali together and I wear the indian clothes. All of this is very special to me and great experiment.

No matter Chinese, Malay, Indian, we can very harmonious getting along in together with. This is what I like. We greetings and happy together. It’s really a good experience for all of us.

Malaysian can easy to exchange culture. Got a lot of special food that we haven’t try it before. I like curry, nasi lemak, satay, teh tarik.

Example like:

Nasi lemak-
Some are very spicy but some not, for me the taste was as fragrant hot. Sometime I eat nasi lemak must drink many water. Haha! ~

There is many choice for that. As the picture shows, this is chicken satay. Some more still have lamb or beef. They say kajang satay is the most delicious. But for me, still got other place satay are very nice too.

The tarik:

The special of the tarik is should “tarik kuat kuat”. The tarik taste very smooth.

Curry chicken rice:

Nice taste. At our campus also can get these. We like to eat it.

Roti canai:

We can eat this every mamak stall. They are very expert to do roti canai. V can choose the curry.

Penang asam laksa (Nyonya Hot and Sour Noodles in Fish Soup):

I like it so much. I like a little bit sour food. Top of the noodle, they put a type of leave name polygonum. But I don’t like the polygonum leave. I don’t like the smell.

Char keow teow:

Can get this from many place. Quite nice. Many kids like char keow teow, because it’s easy to eat and digest.

Tandoori chicken + roti nan:

The special way to serve chicken. Is a little bit spicy. But many people like it also.

The reason I like Malaysia is because in Malaysia, is because Malaysia make us become language genius. We know English, Bahasa Malayu, Chinese, some people will know Bahasa Tamil. Other than that, many people will know Cantonese, mandarin, hok kian and more.. I went to Taipei and china Beijing, the say Malaysian are so expert, know many language. Many people will know more than 3 language. We easy to become a very nice interpreter.

Thank u for visit my blog~~!!,r:11,s:0&biw=1366&bih=667

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